Pay your way to the Nationals with a Custom Team Storefront
Complete SquadLocker Team Store form:
- Team Name
- Team Colors
- Team Logo (add up to 10 logos!)
Why get a Team Store?
- No order minimums
- Store never closes
- Order all season long
- Fundraising Opportunities (see Step 3)
- All Team Store requests sent from Athletx to SquadLocker on the first of the following month AFTER you register.
- Example: Team registers on 9/18, Team Store requests sent to SquadLocker on 10/1
- Team Stores take roughly 2 weeks to complete
- Team Store links will be emailed to team contact by mid month
Once you receive your Team Store link, feel free to edit and make any changes directly through the store.
- All Team Store edits will be handled by SquadLocker customer support.
- Athletx will not be responsible for any Team Store edits or requests
Fundraising opportunities are available. When requesting Team Store edits and changes, ask your SquadLocker support representative about adding 5%, 10%, or 15% additional to the cost of the items in your store.
Your team will collect fundraising dollars on whatever items are sold.
- Once you decide on 5%, 10%, or 15% markup, that percentage will be added to each item in the Team Store.
- Example: A hooded sweatshirt is for sale for $50 on your current team store. The team decides to add 5% to each item for fundraising purposes. That same hooded sweatshirt will now be sold for $52.50. The team would collect that extra $2.50 for every hooded sweatshirt sold.
- Example: A hooded sweatshirt is for sale for $50 on your current team store. The team decides to add 10% to each item for fundraising purposes. That same hooded sweatshirt will now be sold for $55. The team would collect that extra $5 for every hooded sweatshirt sold.
- Example: A hooded sweatshirt is for sale for $50 on your current team store. The team decides to add 15% to each item for fundraising purposes. That same hooded sweatshirt will now be sold for $57.50. The team would collect that extra $7.50 for every hooded sweatshirt sold.
- Note: Fundraising percentage numbers are not final and can be changed at any time
Outfit your team and supporters with awesome, custom, team branded gear! Any questions or concerns, please reach out to SquadLocker support.
On the right side of the page, we can delete the money chart. Change the title to read “Pay your way to the Nationals with a Custom Team Storefront”
SquadLocker is your newest fundraising tool AND custom team storefront. It’s so easy! Send us your team name, logo and colors using the form below! Select your team’s merchandise and add 5%, 10%, or 15% to the cost of the items in your store to help pay for your ULTIMATE Softball Vacation.